John Gurd Media and our sister company We Live Stream have spent the day testing out the LiveU 200.
A stunning small device with plenty of power for today’s news gathering broadcast industry.
Ultra-Small Field Unit, Compatible with Any Camera Weighing just over 500 grams (1 lb) and available in a pouch or camera-mount configuration, the LU200 provides a highly cost-effective and easy-to-use unit for live video transmission anywhere in the world.
FITS ANY CAMERA This two-modem bonded solution is compatible with any camera and is ideal for broadcasts on the fly. The LU200 turns any camera into a livestreaming device. FEATURES The LU200 can be controlled by a single operator in the field using the built in user interface or controlled remotely from any computer using the LiveU Central management platform.
#Streaming #Service #dorset #broadcast #cameraman #dorset #devon #somerset #weymouth #dorchester #portland #bridport #stream #tv #news #live DSC 3440WEB Eurovision